Condor Group A sustainable family business

Our numbers only tell half the story. In fact, Condor Group is a close-knit family business that has been making a name for itself since 1992 with great value for money, good stewardship and a clear vision. We are happy to explain our three pillars on this page.

Condor Group

Covering the world Specialised, high-tech and innovative

Every year, we produce more than 200 million m² of textile (floor) solutions. With those metres, we could cover the earth’s surface all around! We supply those solutions to more than 100 countries worldwide. Good for an annual turnover of some 700 million euros. How did we become this world player? Thanks to specialisations, high-tech facilities and innovative capacity.

Condor Group

Connecting the people Familiar, transparent and sustainable

The members in our group operate in various segments: residential, contractual design, hospitality, automotive, artificial turf and technical textiles. Distribution is mainly through wholesalers, retail chains and industrial buyers. While raw materials for our textile solutions come from various suppliers. With all these relationships, we seek to connect. How? In a familiar, transparent and sustainable way.

Condor Group

Conserving the planet Energy-neutral, CO2-friendly and circular

We may be able to cover the earth’s surface all around with our textile solutions, but that scale also brings responsibilities. The awareness that we are passing on the world to new generations is in full force. Sustainability in thought and action takes priority. The goal? For all our members to produce energy-neutral, CO2-free and circular products within the foreseeable future. As a family business, we want to leave the world a better place than when we started.

Condor Group

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